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Organic Pest & disease Solutions

We Naturally eliminate pests/diseases attacking your trees while restoring your soil's biology with our special soil inoculating technology that blasts pests/fungi/bacteria systemically! Brewed in house, it is custom blended for any tree ailment.


While there is never a guarentee given how far a tree has declined, we have literally brought trees back from the dead with this formula, as well as cured what is termed "incurable diseases" by industry standards on a regular basis, thus making it the bread and butter of our company since the demand is so high. No other tree company is offering this type of treatment in the industry. 


This pest/disease healing brew, pairs really well with our Organic Contact Spray for optimal results to zap topical pests, bacterias, and fungi to make your trees bounce back from attacks from pests and diseases. 


We use exclusively organic methods of treating trees that are actually more effective than conventional chemical treatments that harm the tree and all life.  We call it "A New Dawn of Tree Care" because it is the future. You can feel confident in including our tree  care into your non-toxic lifestyle for yourself, your family,  your animals, and your planet.


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